Antioch MissionaryBaptist Church was founded on May 21, 1959 at 16 Chase Street by Reverend Walter Rowe. The church was given the name Antioch by the Chairman of the Board of Mission, Alyce Tillis (Williams).

On June 9, 1959, Antioch relocated to 351 Prospect Street. Reverend Rowe served as Pastor until August 1966.

In October 1966, Reverend W. T. Vernon became Pastor. Under the leadership of Reverend Vernon, the membership outgrew the Prospect Street facility and relocated to 318 Auburn in July 1972. Reverend Vernon served as Pastor until October 1976.

9 months later, in July 1977, Reverend Johnny West became Pastor. Reverend West served as Pastor until February 1981.

As of February 1981, Reverend James Lawrence, Sr., Assistant Pastor, served as interim Pastor as the members waited faithfully for the Lord to send another shepherd to lead. After many prayers of the congregation, the Lord gave Deacon Marshall Antwine the wisdom to suggest that we should “use what we got!” Upon the votes of the Antioch members, Reverend James Lawrence, Sr. was installed as Pastor on July 12, 1981.

During the Spring of 1985, under the leadership of Pastor James Lawrence, Sr. a mortgage committee was formed to liquidate the existing mortgage. The mortgage was paid in full on December 26, 1986.

As the membership continued to grow, the sanctuary was not large enough to accommodate the congregation. The Lord gave Pastor Lawrence a vision to rebuild upon the same property. The demolition of the old building and the reconstruction began in 2005. This vision consisted of 4 phases, which included a new Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, classrooms, conference room, parking lots, and offices.

In 2014, Reverend James Lawrence, Sr. retired as Pastor after 33 years of faithful service. In this transition, Reverend Timothy Lawrence served as interim Pastor as the Antioch family prayerfully considered Reverend James Lawrence, Sr.’s recommendation. On August 20, 2014, The Antioch family was called to vote on the acceptance of Reverend Timothy Lawrence as Pastor. The vote was unanimously approved.

Reverend Timothy Lawrence was installed as Pastor on August, 23, 2014.

In 2014, Antioch proudly stands on the corner of Auburn Avenue at Jessie Street as a beacon in the community. May the Lord continue to bless his people.

Old Church

Antioch Missionary Baptist Chuch
 318 Auburn Avenue
Pontiac, MI. 48342
(248) 335-4670